Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Conjured up by
7:15 AM
3/5 Emedy- Sugar We're Going Down
Way Back When We were bored
Conjured up by
Doze Razali
6:48 AM
Four Down!
One of my coursework marked by Nikki. The hottest comment i've ever gotten on my essay.
I hate what exams can do to you. You'd stretch yourself to cover every topic before the day. It stretched me this far, and so far im happy with how everything has been going(Alhamdulillah). Five papers down and i only have one left. The significance of doing well for the first semester maybe insignificant, but its the first impression im giving to my future. I know i did my best, and i could only hope for the results that i desire.
This morning i did my state and society paper, and all i can say from that is politics a bitch. I scratched my hair off. And now i can officially announce my Avatar Ang identity. And i also have a label on my back saying 'Mas' Son'. Mas, who is the president of our faculty, the infamous Faculty of Business, Economics and Policy Studies, and not to mention the most happy go lucky smartass coolest 1980s baby of the decade. We have identical heads. We are differentiated from each other by my pink shirt and his hat.
For four days straight, we university students stayed back till late at night to study. Im happy to say it works for me, no matter how great the distraction is, when im in uni, that university name tag(i rarely wear), is the identity i inherit, well at least my focus. You know how each of us has a unique way of studying. Have you heard of the 'chapter-shift on-next chapter' approach. Lets just say its the 1st years trendy approach. We take shifts on and off. But of course, the longer ones are the parts where we study. In between 2 hours, we have 20 minutes where our hands and our eyes off the books, and on the computer screen and mouse clickers. This is the happiest twenty minutes we've ever had. Ears rocked by the sound of explosions and shooting. Counter Strike is back! I've never been addicted to this game, till now..
Even Mr. President proved to be one of the sharpest shooters in Brunei. Im talking about ruthless killing and shooting with no signs of mercy. This works you up when your spine gets all tensed and the chair gets heated up by your ass. After the 20 minutes of killing or numerous deaths you've encountered, your ass mark will show when you get up. And if you get lucky, you'll catch your friends pants gets sucked into their asses.
But if that doesn't work, you can always turn to nature. :)
Conjured up by
Doze Razali
4:34 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
A Boys Night Out to..... Tesco..
Boy O Boy... what a night that was.. It was 6.30pm when Zainol came to Cardiff for the Trivium, Machine Head, Shadow Falls and many more rock metal bands Gig over at CIA here based in Cardiff. Muiz was there too, these guys took trains and coaches just for the gig all the way from Loughborough (Zainol) and Kent (Muiz).
We picked up Zainol at the Central Station and we went straight to my house. Me, Abu and Muiz walked the roads of Cardiff for Zai.. and all we had to say was "Hello Baby!!!" Haha... We chilled out over at my place untill half seven then we headed out to Chicken Cottage where we blokes were hungry as Hell....
This part is the ickie stuff.. when we were over at chicken cottage while we were eating.. this guy came in lookin drunk and shitt... saliva dropping everywhere..slipping through his filthy mouth... Muiz was the one who freaked out the most.. the GUY was basically standing next to him...we were grossed by the Drunken Guy out of our wits... Too Hungry.. we ignored the guy and continued eating...Hah it was really gruesome but all i can say is the food was fantabulous.. Heheh
After chicken cottage Abu and I brought the guys around town and showed them santa's grotto... i believe it would be the tallest Christmas Tree u'll v ever see in Cardiff.. well basically they have a Santa sitting down on his little tiny chair within the Christmas Tree compound and kids would be all over him queing up like tiny soldier ants to have their wish fullfilled... and believe or not it would cost YOU 5 Pounds to get in which i think is totally a rip off...
Here is the Santa's Grotto.. Hahah
After the walk to get the food down in our stuffed tummy, nature called... we head straight for home and i got first dibs in the toilet hahah Suckers...we chilled for another half hour till we decided to head for Tesco which i thought it would take roughly 25 mins walking from my house...(Sorry Guys).. Well it took us 45 Mins to get there...They so wanted to go there cause i told'em our Tesco is huge... believe me it is... its like 3 times the size of Supa Save...the walk was good... we sorta got lost (Again sorry guys) but we ended up at Tesco anyway... and Guess what....!!!!!!!
It was closed... F*&^in Hell... well from what ive heard it 247 but No NO No NO no... it closed early on a sunday... Haha yes it was a really long walk and yes Tesco was CLOSED....!!!! so we were thirsty so we decided to go to Tesco petrol station to get drinks... later after that we were walking down he road back to the big Tesco when Muiz found a trolley and he wanted Abu to push it with him in it... haha.. And so he did.. Zainol started to join the Convenient transportation that was never made for adults like us haha and i joined in too... Well it was untill Zainol freaked and shouted CCTV aaaaaannnddd he did it while pointing at the freaking thing... hahahah we all jumped off and went running for a safe place... Our so called safe place would be the short stairs by the big entrance to Tesco... hahah... yes the CCTV was one of Tesco's camera... it was freakin awesome....haha we singled handed settle that incident by gogging up our drinks and had a chat with each other with how more worst can this night can be.. well correction... when we had the talk over at tesco it 3.15 in the morning and i had to get to school to return the library book.
We pushed off from Tesco at about 3.30 and we came back home at 4.15. We took off our clothes, our jeans and our socks...(well i hope that didn't sound gay, though Zai and Muiz had something something if u know what i mean, hahaha)... got comfortable... Hahah and went straight to sleep...
It was definitely a night to remember..... Hahaha..
P.S. I never got to school the next day to return the book cause apparently someone switched off my alarm.... A-hole...!!!!! But its okay i got a good-morning-afternoon sleep... well basically i woke up at 3.... hahah.. in the afternoon...
Conjured up by
A r c h e r
4:23 PM
what in the..
Time flies soo fast these days, without realizing it the term is almost over. Man when i was just about to get the hang if waking up early, which is about hmm 8 ish, to go to uni. Well campus isn't that far from my place, give or take 5 mins...... BY CAR! which i unfortunately do not own, soo i walk, which if alone, would take about 20 mins. Why not take the bus you say? it's 1.30 for a one way and 2.60 for a return it's just not worth it. There's the buss pass though but it's like 200 pounds for a year... soo like errr~ no thank you.. i'll just walk, plus i need the exercise.
Uni is alright, my course is awesome though!! hahaha at the end of it when i graduate i can say "hi, i'm A. A for architect" *raises eyebrows in a playful manner* hahahahahahahah. well yeah.. my lecturers are okey too. There's the weird concrete&brick loving arsenal fan who makes bets with us if there is an arsenal game on. In one lecture she was saying that she went to survey a plot of land near a cemetery with a couple of students. While waiting outside for them her mind wandered....
" if i died, how would i wanna go?"
silence... (if this was a japanease anime here is where the sound of crickets or frogs comes in)
"MY COFFIN WOULD BE IN A BLACK FLAMED HEARSE, WITH BLUR'S SONG 2 PLAYING AT FULL BLAST!!! WOHOOOOOO!" and at the wohoo part she jumped and did a 360. well almost a 360. imagine a 80 kg woman if you can doing that. And then silence again as she started talking about how to dig a trench for a strip foundation.
Next is the funny, least boringest lecturer. He's okey in terms of teaching and makes these inappropriate jokes at the right moments soo that you'll be awake most of the time. I sware i think he rehearses his lectures in front of his kids just to get the timing right!!! hahahahahaha.. this one time he was talking about presssure and surface area or something related to that and he said, and yes i remembered because out of all the stuff he was talking about in that lecture this is the only thing i wrote down hahahaha, anyways he said ' the finer something is, the more surface area you have ' hahahahahahahahahahahahah!! i just let out a big "HA.." but didn't finish as i was the only one laughing and i think he didn't intend for it to sound dirty in any way. I guess only i got that one. hahahaa. i have one more lecturer but lets just say, i'm better at drawing now because of him. =P
That's all for now folks!! join us again next time on LIFE & TIMES OF THE BORED!!
Conjured up by
12:15 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
A Day Of Boredom
This is how i'd look like if i was a cartoon characted in South Park (The creation of this character was a result of Mr. Apples boring day)
I guess it all makes sense now why each of us is assigned to something. We all have a purpose in life. Eventhough 'The Bored's members maybe a bunch of jerks who are jobless to you people, we have our own things to do. We keep ourselves occupied by blogging, studying, stupid stunts, skype just to tell each other any stupid thing that happened during the day and still be amazed. WELL, I JUST BLOGGED TO SAY HELLO!!
This is for a brother, life has just begun, you're still young. Take it from me. Maybe to you, i havent accomplished anything in life. But i dont give up easily. We all go through 'failure mode' once in a while, but we keep pushing ourselves. My advice is:
Maybe its true when they say we all should know our limits. But did you know that you can actually alter them? I fix my limits not to when i cant take it anymore, but to when i think ive done enough. If all goes bad, maybe you calculated it wrongly, but hey! We've been doing trial and error all our lives, haven't we? Try again!
This is coming from a 19 year old you might say. But think again, 19 years is almost 2 decades of trial and errors.
Ok! Today, Great! Tonight, Awesome! Today was my day off studying after 4 days in a row of hardcore statiscal and economical brainwashing.
Me and Wonderboy were bored because we usually have something to do each day. We never figured out stuff we do on fridays.
It was 3 pm, and i was all hooked up with the PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008. My thumb joints were beginning to feel numb. So i switched the console off, and stood up. Nothing came to my head of what i was gonna do next. Nothing at all! I felt sad. So i logged in MSN, and do my daily routine everytime i go online. I saw wonderboy signing in and i thought;"Hey, i havent heard from him, and its a non school day!".
I was bored and i thought about babywiping Daisy(my mac). Another thought struck! "WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO ON FRIDAYS???!!!!"
Wonderboy clicked on me and asked if i had any ideas on how to finish the rest of the day. He came up with sunset. But hey, look outside! DARK BLACK CLOUDS!! It didnt stop us~. We still went to the beach anyways. Maybe we'll at least see a glimpse of the sun setting.
NOT A BLINK! But something else caught our attention. The waves were massive! Like the ones you see surfers ride on tv. Ive never seen the local shorelines hit by massive beasts. They were about 15ft above the ground. My mind started wandering around in the skies~.
"How does it feel like to be surfing on those babies? Is it awesome to be caught in the pipe like structure the waves formed before they break?"
We stayed for 15 minutes till we caught each other's attention by pointing out our need to use the toilet. At a time like that, 'Mr. President' needs to shake hands! But emergency's emergency! You go when you need to go. It felt as though our zippers unzipped themselves when we got to the closets place with a toilet for us to donate our urinated orange juice.
NKJ was where it was. Still the best local Nasi Katok place. After pissing we stopped for a couple of drinks and cigarettes. The breather of our lives!
ahhh~ I just logged in to tell you that lame story, btw, have u tried Kimin's Fatty biscuits?? Their Awesome. Tiny drops of heaven. I'd give it a ten!
Conjured up by
Doze Razali
6:54 AM
My room in CardiFF Baby..!
Shy, Doze, Ajy, Kimin.... Im IN... Heheh.. I never had time nor the connection to contribute to this blog but now i do.. by just a simple click from Virgin Media that provided me with unlimited broad-band, i can fully update this blog.. Innit cool?! Haha Baru-Baruan.. ~Oh Well..
For My First Blog i would like to share with you guys back home on what my room looks like in Cardiff.. I spent a vast amount of time repainting the room and i have to say it was a lot of work but thanks to the people in Miskin St. (Baz, Umie, Farid, Fae and Santy) we did a pretty good job... It was tough but it was all worth it taking that trip to ikea buying my furniture was fun.
This is a closer look of my room, my crib, my castle (esehmen!!)... U can see my single sofa... my coffee table... the fake fire-place which i had to repaint.. my wardrobe.... its awesome i Like iT.. the Funny thing is almost all the things i have is Black.. (Black?>I LiKe!!)
The one on the left is my work-station where you can see post cards.. i got'em for free.. i felt k=like putting them up there so whenever i get stressed from looking too much into books or the computer the colours help... heheh
The Bed is on the right.. with the Black matress... its where all the magic happens...(sleep)... =)
Hahah... Anyways.. thats all i have for this one... nanti tah lagi ... peace Out...
Conjured up by
A r c h e r
4:36 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I Do.
It's an advert, that's all can say. =P
Conjured up by
2:16 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Post no. 52 by Monsieur Le Pomme! Good day everyone! Another beautiful day in the tiny B-COUNTRY~.
Exam mode's kicking in, as there are only a couple of days left till we're hit. Im speeding up my breathing and keeping myself fit mentally and physically for next week. Ive done everything i could, including drinking boiled formula sheet in water, Sleep with book as pillow, and eating calculator buttons. Today i had an hour rest from the craziness, and BC5 gave me a treat.
A treat in the pig's lair, mudhole or whatever you wanna call it. There's no doubt footballs more interesting when its dirty and wet!
We were preparing for this Saturday's encounter with MD's feard EGO. Honestly i dont know if im ready for that, but i could say we're missing our stars shining in the west. So on Saturday its gonna be pure East Coast BC5ers~
Conjured up by
Doze Razali
5:03 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I am proud to introduce to you guys: -

Conjured up by
10:57 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Write my name but don't write it off
This is not the way to do it, don't go. It wouldn't be the same without you. I know you still care. Be here for me, i don't need anything more. I don't blame you if you want to throw away the bad memories, but please keep the good ones. What i had with you i never want to forget.
I thought fairy tales were just fairy tales, but you proved me wrong with your smile.
Remember the telephone works both ways
Jason Mraz
Conjured up by
6:37 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
The Shrine.
Conjured up by
4:31 PM